Our Beliefs

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Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith

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The Bible

THE BIBLE: We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, inerrant in the original writings, complete as the revelation of God's will for salvation and the supreme and final authority in all matters to which they speak. 


GOD: We believe in one God, Creator and Sustainer of all things, eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, that these are equal in every divine perfection and that they execute distinct but harmonious offices in the work of creation, providence, and redemption. 

The Father

THE FATHER: We believe in God the Father, infinite, perfect in holiness, wisdom, power, and love. We believe He mercifully concerns Himself in the affairs of men, hears and answers prayer, and saves from sin and death all who come to Him through Jesus Christ.

The Son

THE SON: We believe that Jesus Christ is God's eternal Son and has the exact nature, attributes, and perfections as God the Father and the Holy Spirit. We believe further that He is not only the true God but a true man, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. We also believe in His sinless life, substitutionary atonement, bodily resurrection from the dead, ascension into heaven, priestly intercession on behalf of his people, and personal, visible, imminent return from heaven.

The Holy Spirit

THE HOLY SPIRIT: We believe in the Holy Spirit, His personality, and His work in regeneration, sanctification, and preservation. His ministry is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and implement Christ's work of redeeming the lost and empowering the believer for Godly living and service.


MAN: We believe God created man, male and female, in the image of God and free from sin. We believe God made Adam and Eve to complement each other in a 'one flesh' union that establishes the only pattern of sexual relations for men and women and God's only ordained design for marriage. We believe God created human life in His image. It is of inestimable worth and significance in all its dimensions, including the pre-born, the aged, the physically or mentally challenged, and every other condition in which humanness is expressed, from the single-cell stage of development to natural death. Therefore, we defend, protect, and value all human life. Further, we believe man is a sinner by nature and choice and is thus spiritually separated from God. We also believe that the Holy Spirit regenerates those who repent of sin and trust Jesus Christ as Savior.


SALVATION: We believe in salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. This salvation comes from God's sovereign grace, purchased by Christ on the cross and received by man through faith, apart from any human works.

The Church

THE CHURCH: We believe that the Church is the spiritual body of which Christ is the Head. The true Church is composed of all persons who, through saving faith in Jesus Christ, have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. This body of members baptized by the Holy Spirit expresses itself in local assemblies, have a credible confession of faith in Jesus Christ, and have associated themselves with worship, instruction, evangelism, and service. We believe the ordinances of this local Church are baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper. We also believe in local churches' interdependence and believers' mutual submission to each other in love. 

Christian Conduct

CHRISTIAN CONDUCT: We believe a reborn Christian desires to live for the glory of God and the well-being of his fellow men; that he yearns for his conduct to be blameless before the world; that he would be a faithful steward of his possessions; and that he would seek to realize for himself and others the full stature of Christian maturity in Christ. We believe this is only possible by the grace of God through a faith that depends on the Holy Spirit's power. We believe that, while not condoning or endorsing sinful choices or lifestyles (as defined by Scripture), we, as sinners ourselves, are called to love other sinful people, and welcome their presence in our service, just as Christ came not to condemn, but to save sinners. So it is not our mission to judge the world but to seek their salvation and transformation in Christ.

The Ordinances

THE ORDINANCES: We believe the Lord Jesus Christ has committed two ordinances to the local Church: 1) baptism and 2) the Lord's Supper. First, Christian baptism is by immersion of the believer in water in the name of the triune God. Secondly, Christ instituted the Lord's Supper to commemorate His death. These two ordinances should be observed and administered until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Future

THE FUTURE: We believe in the bodily resurrection of the saved and lost, the eternal existence of all people in heaven or hell, in divine judgments, rewards, and punishments.

Membership Covenant

The Little Log Church - What We Commit to One Another

As we trust, having been brought by Divine Grace to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and to give ourselves up to Him, and having been baptized by the Spirit and have expressed a credible confession of faith in Jesus Christ, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, relying on His gracious aid solemnly and joyfully renew our covenant with each other.

We will work and pray for the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace within our local congregation.

We will walk together in brotherly love, as is fitting for Christ's body, exercise loving care over each other, and faithfully admonish and encourage one another as occasion may require.

We will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together in order to stimulate one another to love and do good deeds, nor neglect to pray for ourselves and others.

We will endeavor to bring up our children in the training and instruction of the Lord and by a pure and loving example of seeking the salvation of our family and friends.

We will rejoice at each other's happiness and endeavor with tenderness and sympathy to bear each other's burdens and sorrows.

We will seek, by Divine Grace, to live as salt and light in the world, denying ungodliness and worldly desires.

We will remember that, as we have been voluntarily buried by baptism and raised again from the symbolic grave, so there is on us a solemn obligation now to lead a new and holy life.

We will work together for the continuance of a faithful evangelical ministry in this church as we sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines. We will contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.

If and when we move from this place, we will unite with some other church to carry out the Spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's Word. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, God's love, and the Holy Spirit's fellowship be with us all. Amen.



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We are a Bible-Centered Church

We are a Bible-Centered Church

We believe the Bible is foundational for all we believe and how we act. It directs all we do. We incorporate Scripture to direct us in worship, how we communicate the Word of Christ (expositional preaching – see below), and how we minister to families (family-oriented children and youth ministries). 

We are Unapologetically a Christ-Driven Congregation

We are unapologetically a Christ-Driven Congregation

We deliberately wait upon Christ’s leading and determine what He is doing among us instead of making our plans and goals and hoping He will join us. We adapt to His work among us. We are not program-oriented. Programs will come and go as God leads us. We do not do certain things just because other churches do them. We continually seek the Lord’s direction, watch for His working, and work together to follow His leading.

We are a Family-Oriented Church

We are a Family-Oriented Church

We do family worship because we believe it is biblical. We do not believe it is biblical to separate families, except for practical teaching times, which we want to be family-oriented. For children and youth ministries, we work alongside parents. The bible’s model is that parents teach their children, and the church comes alongside to equip and assist parents, instead of programs that take that responsibility for the parent.

We are Committed to Expositional Preaching

We are committed to Expositional Preaching

When we say “expositional preaching”, we have something very definite in mind, which we believe is essential for biblical gospel ministry.

We believe that the one who takes the pulpit must take his calling as a preacher very seriously since the main subjects addressed in the Scriptures are not trivial but life and death issues. Thus, there should be a sense of urgency, intensity, and reverence (in contrast to light-hearted, trite, and casual). The word ‘proclaim’ denotes intensity, authority, and forcefulness. The word means “declare, herald, cry-out,” not simply speak in casual conversational tones or lecture. The New Testament continuously sets forth “preaching” as the principal method of communicating the Gospel (Rom. 10:13-17; 1 Cor. 1:18-2:5; 2 Tim. 4:2). It is the method best suited to the nature of the message proclaimed. It was the method of John the Baptist, Jesus, and the Apostles (Mat. 3:1; 4:17; 23; 10:7; 24:14; Luke 24:47; Acts 2:40; 10:42; 28:31; Rom. 10:14-15; Eph. 3:8 for example). The Gospel is a message which declares the invasion of God into human history. He has intervened to address the human dilemma by means of Jesus’ redeeming life. So the Gospel is good news PROCLAIMED! God is not negotiating with His message. He is not asking for a discussion or attempting to strike a bargain. As the Lord of the Universe, He is declaring a word that demands compliance from His creation. The spirit of the Gospel requires a method of communication that is authoritative: “God has acted. You must respond”. Preaching is God’s distinct method that best suits the authoritative declaration of God’s accomplishments in Jesus Christ. Preaching as our method does not emerge from experimenting with communication techniques. We preach because we have been commanded to preach. Preaching is our commission, our charge (2 Tim. 4:2-4). We preach not because we have come to the conclusion that preaching is the most rational or most effective means of reaching the lost, but because God has ordained it – because God has empowered it, and because He has promised to take that which the world would say is foolishness, and use it to save sinners (1 Cor. 1:18-2:5), which glorifies Him, not the method.

Our pulpit ‘style’ is based on a deep conviction to proclaim, with authority, the Christ-centered Word in a verse-by-verse manner. Exposition means not merely drawing a theme from a text and then speaking on it (with little reference back to the text). It means unpacking the truth from a text of Scripture (verse, set of verses, chapter) within its context, drawing out and explaining the message of that particular text with all its implications and applications, and relating it to the whole context of Scripture and its fulfillment in Christ. As the word of God, every text of Scripture has the right and authority to establish both the substance and the structure of the sermon. The preacher stands in submission to the text of Scripture. We must begin and end with what God has said concerning Himself and His truth. Preaching is not the business of speculating but bearing witness. How does it look? As Paul clarifies in 2 Timothy 4:2-4 preaching involves several elements: reproof, rebuke, exhortation, and patient teaching.